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Abnormal Load Escort Services 

Escort Vehicles are essential for the safe movement of wide loads under C&U, VR1, STGO and Special Order Movements

Why use an escort vehicle

Escort vehicles alert other road users of the presence of an unusual vehicle, and they also ensure that the vehicle itself can safely navigate its route.

Police and Local Authority Approval

When planning your route, local authorities and police may be more likely to approve your route if you've included escort vehicles in your Mission Plan.

The importance of escort vehicles when transporting abnormal loads

The heavy haulage industry clearly have a duty of care to all. Partnering with an accredited escort vehicle operator gives reassurance to the public and authorities alike that all guidance satisfying the codes of practice is fully adhered to.

There are compelling reasons to use an escorting vehicle.

Protect the public

Alert other road users about the presence of an abnormally heavy load on the vehicle and reduce the risk of accidents.

Emergency assistance

If there's an emergency, raise the alarm and get help or stay with the main vehicle until help arrives.

Mitigate risk

Demonstrate mitigation of risk to police and local authorities when seeking approval to transport an abnormal load.

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